We believe that homework supports home/school links and should play a part in enabling children to reach their full potential regardless of age, gender or cultural background.
Homework helps children:
- Become successful as independent learners
- To be more motivated and independent to complete tasks
- To reinforce and extend class/topic work, further developing knowledge and understanding
- Access further opportunities for speaking and listening
- Develop and improve home/school relationships.
Broad Guidelines
Homework given should be appropriate to the age and needs of each child, in the professional judgment of the teachers. It is provided as an extension to learning intentions introduced in class or for reinforcement or revision of topics covered.
Foundation Stage homework:
There is an expectation that parents and carers will support their child by reading with them on a regular basis. This will also include phonics practice and ensures that what is being learnt in school can be practiced at home. Expectation: 10 minutes a day, minimum.
Key Stage 1 homework includes:
• Daily phonics/reading
• Weekly spellings
• Occasional research homework
•The option of completing additional tasks from the homework grid (on class web page)
Expectation: 15 minutes a day.
Key Stage 2 homework includes:
- Daily reading
- Spellings - 3 times weekly, minimum
- Times table/number bond/fact practice
- Sometimes a research project may be sent home which is linked to the class topic
- One piece of longer homework to practice the skills learnt in class. This may be Literacy, Numeracy or topic based
Expectation: 20-30 minutes a day.
Access to the internet:
The homework grid for each class is also available on our school website. It is desirable that children access this homework as it further supports learning in class. Children are shown where to access these documents in school and they are also posted onto Class Dojo at the beginning of each term for parents to refer to.
Keeping parents informed:
Parents are kept informed about the nature of homework and how they can support this. This is communicated through the termly class newsletter, the annual welcome meeting, Class Dojo communication, conversations at pick up times and consultation meetings.
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
External Organisations
https://rnli.org/?ld=1 - Beach safety