Our School Day & Term Dates
Term Dates
School Opening Hours
Each class follows a similar structure to the school day so that children become familiar with the routines in place and know what to expect throughout the day and each week. However, if there are specific reasons why the timetable may need to be adapted, each teacher has the flexibility to choose what fits best for their children.
The standard timetable looks like this:
Year 1
8:55am Registration
8:45-9:15 - Consolidation/Handwriting
9:15-10:00 - Phonics
10:00-10:40 - Literacy
11:00 -12:00 - Maths
12:00-12:15 - Mastering Number
1:15 -1:35 - Guided Reading
1:35-2:55 - Topic
2:55-3:15 - Collective worship (2:45 on a Friday)
Years 2-6
8:55am Registration
8:45-9:00 - Reading for pleasure/Spellings
9:00-9:30- Guided Reading
9:30-10:40 - Literacy
11:00 -12:15 - Maths
1:15 -1:30 - Handwriting/Spellings/TTRS (Years 3&4)
1:30-2:55 - Topic
2:55-3:15 - Collective worship (2:45 on a Friday)
Across the school, children have a morning break and a lunch break. In KS1, children have an afternoon break to support their concentration towards the end of the school day.
The hours combine to make 32.5 hours per week.
The children have a combination of whole school and in-class "collective worship" sessions across the week; these include celebration assemblies, "Open the book" assemblies and Project Evolve sessions to develop their digital literacy.
School Clubs
Wrap-around Care
Constantine Kids' Club offers wrap-around care for all our children.
Current times and fees and staffing arrangements are as follows:
Before School Monday-Friday from 8am
Fee £4.00
With Mrs Jones and Mrs Salisbury
After School Monday-Friday 3:15-5:15pm
Fee: £4.50 per child for a single session
£9.00 per child for a double session
A late fee of £4.50 will be applied to a child’s account for a late collection (after 5:15pm)
With 2 of the following staff each evening:
Mr Ireland, Mrs Gay, Mrs Salisbury, Miss Comyn, Mrs Farrant, Mrs Symons or Miss Kelly
All Kids' Club sessions must be booked in advance via the school office to ensure we have adequate staffing ratios. Payment is by ParentPay.
After school, children are offered a range of snacks.
We try to be outside as much as possible; when the weather is suitable. Children of all ages love playing together on the field, in the school garden, in the playground and on the climbing wall.
In poor weather, indoor activities include drawing, crafting and playing with construction toys.
Kids' Club also offers an opportunity for children to read, practise their spellings and tables and complete their homework with adult support.
If you would like any more information, please contact the school office.