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Our Wider Offer

The extra curricular activities that we offer at Constantine Primary School are varied and change regularly.

Most clubs are run by our dedicated staff, whilst others are organised by outside professionals. Sports clubs are practise training sessions for sports leagues that we take part in as we are part of the Peninsula Sports Partnership. The majority of league matches, events and festivals take place at our main feeder secondary school, Penryn College, and some also serve as a route to the Cornwall School Games.

We have many links and contacts with external clubs and NGB providers and this information is shared to ensure our children know about and have access to clubs outside of school also.

For further information, please email us: and write 'Clubs' in the subject bar.

Football Club runs on a Monday after school for the Autumn term and sometimes in the Summer term too. It is a popular club in KS2 and is run by volunteer, qualified coaches Rob and Craig who also coach at other local clubs. We play for fun, to learn more about the game and to prepare the school team for the local sports partnership league, which is played each Wednesday after school during the Autumn term annually. 

Netball Club runs during the Autumn term on a Monday after school so we can learn the rules of the game, have fun, keep fit, learn strategies and also prepare for the league matches at Penryn College each Wednesday evening. We play against eight other local primary schools across the term.

Basketball Club runs in the first half of the Spring term each year. This coincides with the local Sports Partnership Basketball League, which is played on a Wednesday after school at Penryn College.

Hockey Club is for children in KS2 and runs on a Monday after school for the second half of the Spring Term. This coincides with the Hockey League that our school team plays in every Wednesday after school during this term. 

Wild Things is our extracurricular forest school club (named by the first cohort ever to take part).  We have great fun connecting with nature, looking after our school grounds, learning to safely light fires, making and drinking hot chocolate using Kelly Kettles, roasting marshmallows, whittling sticks, eating s’mores, identifying trees, learning to tie knots and building dens! There is a small fee for this club to help fund all the marshmallows and other resources.  Children gain so much from these experiences and love being wild in the wild.

Ukulele Club runs during a lunchtime for beginners. We have a class set of ukuleles, so you can borrow a school uke if you want to see if you enjoy it or don’t have your own.

Sailing Club is in partnership with The Helford River Children's Sailing Trust (HRCST) who deliver our sailing club each year during the Summer and Autumn terms for Years 4-6. This is a wonderful opportunity on the beautiful Helford River.  The sailing trust charge a small donation for each year to cover the cost of logbooks. We do require support from parent volunteers.

Touch Rugby Club takes place in the Summer term each year. This coincides with the Local Sports Partnership Touch Rugby League that runs on a Wednesday evening after school and the Partnership and Peninsula Rugby Tournament.

Matt is our volunteer rugby coach and he is so passionate about the sport, he inspires our children both in and out of curriculum time.

Tennis Club runs in the Summer term and is lead by Will Richards from Access Tennis Club. Will provides curriculum and extra curricular opportunities for our children annually.

Cross Country Club runs all year on a Tuesday morning before school. Despite having to get up early, this is our most popular club. We run for fun and fitness and train for the Penryn and Falmouth area, district, county cross-country competitions and other local events annually.

In 2022, Ethan became Constantine School's first ever County Champion and in March 2023 he retained his title and has won again - Making him the Year 6 Cornwall Boy's Champion!!!

Choir Club runs weekly all year round for pupils in KS2. There is a small fee and these funds help with transport costs to the events our choir gets invited to throughout the year. They sound amazing and get to perform at many large venues, such as the Hall for Cornwall, Truro Cathedral and the Princess Pavilion.

Jigsaw Club runs weekly in the Autumn and Spring term each year.

Games Club (board games) runs weekly in the Autumn, Spring and Summer term each year and is for pupils in KS1.

Photography Club runs in the Autumn term for pupils in KS1.

Dance Club runs during most terms for pupils from various year groups. This is run by Mrs Sach and her Dancing School called Evolution Dance. There is a fee for this club and numbers are limited.



Pupil-led clubs: We have older pupils in school who are play and sports leaders. These children set up and encourage younger pupils to join in and play new games in small groups at play and lunchtimes. This interaction helps engage pupils, form friendships, provides fun activities and makes playtimes and lunchtimes active.  


Community links

Our Links With Pont Croix

Constantine and District Twinning Association is dedicated to bringing together the residents of the parishes of Constantine and Gweek, and Pont-Croix in Brittany. Pont-Croix is a small, attractive town, set in rural countryside at the head of the river Goyen.

The Association has flourished with visits to each country taking place in alternate years. The Cornish contingent stay with members of the Twinning Association in Brittany and are always given a royal welcome. They visit places of interest; are wined and dined magnificently and get a real insight into Breton homes and family life. A more recent development has been the establishment of close links between Constantine Primary School and the primary schools in Pont-Croix. Many families have joined the associations on both sides of the Channel and the programme now includes an opportunity for children to experience school life with their young hosts. This has continued successfully for children as they progress to secondary education.

Our Links With Rwanda

The NAHT (National Association of Head Teachers) and the British Council launched a joint project for UK Head Teachers to work alongside Rwandan counterparts with the view of the UK Head Teacher mentoring their Rwandan colleagues on school improvement. Constantine was one of 28 schools chosen to take part in the project.

Our contacts in Rwanda are Constantin (or Constant as he prefers to be called) and his wife Jane. Both are Head Teachers.

We love to keep in contact, and we do this in a variety of ways, which includes Facetime and letter writing. Most recently (Spring 2023), Year 6 pupils wrote to children in Rwanda.