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SEND and Who Supports SEND


SEND Provision

‘Know me for my abilities, not my disability, ’ said Robert Michael Hensel who was born with Spina bifida. He is also a Guinness World Records holder for the longest non-stop wheelie in a wheelchair, covering a total distance of 6.178 miles.

At Constantine Primary School we are committed to meeting the needs of every child in our care. Every child is unique and special, and all have the right to experience a rich curriculum where they can have fun, succeed and make progress.

For information on how we identify children with special educational needs, and the process through which we work to support them, please follow the link to our school’s SEN Policy.

The school actively seeks the involvement of parents/carers in the education of their children. It is recognised that it is particularly important with pupils who have special educational needs, where the support and encouragement of parents is often the crucial factor in achieving success. As outlined in the SEN Code of Practice, schools are required to specify the provision available for children, to parents.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher via the school office.

Alternatively please feel free to contact Miss Charlotte Jane, our SENCo, either via the school office or by email

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

SEND Offer Provision Map

The Local Offer aims to help families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) by gathering useful information they need to know, in one place, so they can make informed choices about the support they receive.
Cornwall’s Local Offer describes the provision and guidance that is available for children and young people.

If you have any complaints regarding SEN provision at Constantine Primary School, please refer to the complaints policy

iPad Apps for Learners with Dyscalculia

iPad Apps for Learners with Dyslexia


Accessibility Plan

CW: My daughter was inspired by Talan's achievements and injuries, and she came home and told us all about them in great detail. She gained a lot from meeting him.

RH: My son was in awe of Talan and loved meeting him. He also recognised him from Grace's Amazing Machines on TV.

CH: My daughter in Y1 was fascinated by meeting Talan and we have all been googling him ever since his visit. She loved his book and would like her own copy. What a fascinating visitor- thank you for organising this.

HR: What an amazing visitor to school. It was also quite inspirational knowing that several years ago he sat in the same hall for his assemblies and also had his PE lessons there too! Super heroes can really come from village primary schools!


We had a wonderful visit via Teams from Talan Skeels-Piggins and he was amazing!

Mrs Gilbert read his book called: The Little Person Inside, to us and then she contacted him and invited him to speak with us as we had a lot of interest in his story his life and achievements.

Not only is he a double World Champion, European Champion, he is also a Winter Para-athlete and he has so many achievements since losing the use of his lower body from the chest down following an accident. 

He showed us some videos of him sit skiing and he races at speeds of up to 83MPH and he can also ride and race motorbikes! Is there anything this man can't do?

The other thing we learnt about him is that he used to come to Constantine Primary School and sit in the same hall that we were sitting in listening to him. He also lived across the road from school as a boy. Constantine really does produce champions.

You really must read his book to find out more!

Trauma Informed Schools (T.I.S.)


Trauma Informed Schools Approach

Here at Constantine Primary School we believe in providing every child with the opportunity to experience an outstanding education, both academically, emotionally and socially. We believe that by identifying the barriers to learning, providing an inspiring and relevant curriculum that considers the whole child and providing the necessary support for children to achieve and develop, all children will reach their true potential.

We are committed to ensuring that our school develops a Trauma and Mental Health Informed Approach to ensure that all our children develop positive mental health and resilience, enabling them to fully engage in life and learning. There is a growing body of research and understanding of the impact of Childhood Adversity on long term mental and physical health and the protective factors that mitigate the potential impact. It is our aim to maximise the protective factors of school by creating an environment of safety that has strong, positive, supportive relationships at its heart.

The school has undertaken extensive whole school training, provided by Trauma Informed Schools UK so that every adult has the skills and understanding to respond appropriately to the needs our children may display. We have specially trained Trauma and Mental Health Informed Practitioners to support children who are identified as requiring additional support.

Our TIS practitioners:

  • Miss Charlotte Jane

Wellbeing practitioner:

  • Mrs Sarah Dalziel

Our aim is to support children to make sense of their experience, find ways to manage their emotions and feelings and ensure that they maintain the capacity to learn, despite difficult events that may happen for them.


The websites below are recommended for advice and services on a range of subjects and offer advice and support for children and parents in different aspects of family life.

Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Young Minds offer information to young people and children about mental health and emotional wellbeing. They can provide information about organisations that listen, and they offer online support and info.

Family Lives is a charity that supports parents in all aspects of family life including child development, schools and parenting/relationship support. They also offer advice around family breakdown, aggression in the home, bullying, risky teenage behaviour and mental health concerns of both parents and their children.

The death of a parent, brother or sister is one of the most fundamental losses a child will ever face. At Winston’s Wish, they believe that bereaved children need support to make sense of death and rebuild their lives. The Winston’s Wish Helpline offers support, information and guidance to all those caring for a bereaved child or young person.

This charity helps children and young people (up to age 25), parents, and families, to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies.

Little Parachutes lists a vast range of picture books that help children cope with worries, health issues and new experiences. They cover really challenging topics such as divorce, serious illness, operations and bereavement to name a few. There are also recommended books to encourage children to behave well, explore their feelings and develop positive traits such as resilience, confidence, courage, gratitude and kindness.

Equality and Diversity